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Sunday, January 26, 2014


I know, I know, I am very behind on all of this.  I am very busy having loads of fun in Viet Nam.

Thanksgiving this year was also spent in Hanoi for me.  It was very different as for the first time I went to a restaurant instead of doing it all at home.

I went with my father and my friend Adam and his parents.  What was really fascinating was sharing Thanksgiving with my friend, who is German.  I have never had Thanksgiving with non-Americans before.

We went to a really fancy place called The Press Club.

We got to The Press Club before the others.  To my surprise we had our own private alcove booked just for the five of us.  Now, that is living.

The table was all decked out in white linen with fancy glasses and stuff everywhere.

In preparation of determine what I wanted it was critical that I meditate on the menu and become one with it.  Nothing wrong with applying a little Naruto ginjitsu to dinner determinations.

See, Adam is not becoming one with the menu and he is getting all confused.  Of course it has nothing to do with his being German and not really understanding what it is all about.

This is Adam next to me by the way.  He is loads of fun, even if he does silly things like eat hamburgers and fries at a fancy Thanksgiving dinner.

OMG, I am absolutely stuff, I doubt I can eat another bite.  Of course once I became one with the menu I had to have the entire five course meal.  Of course I can still squeeze in dessert.

It is really fun to share these experiences with people who do not celebrate Thanksgiving normally.  We had a lot of fun.  I wish the rest of my family could have been with us too.

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